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Grammatically Challenged? There, Their, They're. It'll Be OK!

Published by Grammar-Us in Grammar Tips & Tricks · 25/4/2014 17:32:06
Tags: theretheirthey're

Our quirky English language is full of pitfalls for those who want to speak it well.  For example, we have many words that sound alike but have different spellings and different meanings.  Words such as "sea" and "see," "hear" and "here," "whole" and "hole," are called homophones and can be the bane of any good writer’s existence.  Possibly the most used – and misused – homophones are "their," "there" and "they’re," which is why I am dedicating this week’s blog post to this triple threat to good grammar.

First, the rule:

There = In that place
They’re = They are
Their = Belonging to them

Over the years, I have created some memory tricks to help me remember which of the three words is the correct one in the context of what I am trying to communicate.


1. There:  
The word "there" is simply the word "here" with a "t" added.  Since "here" indicates a location ("this one, here"), I think of the "t" as indicating "that one, there."  That helps me remember to use "there" when I want to indicate where something is.

2. They’re: As I explained in my last post, an apostrophe indicates that something has been left out, and the apostrophe is the bridge to the gap.  The word "they’re," therefore, is a contraction of "they are."

3. Their: I have linked the words "our" and "their" in my mind.  Both indicate possession.  Both end in the letter "r."  That helps me remember that "their" means "belonging to them."


Don’t become a victim of auto-correct!  Although many word processing programs can and do save you from grammar gaffs and spelling errors, they are not all-knowing.  It pays to proofread before you send that e-mail, submit that article, or respond to that text message.  The internet is full of embarrassing examples of the foibles of auto-correct; don’t end up being one of them!

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